Universal Grammar for Voice AI

WHOELSE develops a namespace protocol for the Internet of Voice. Open source, privacy-by-design, and based on public industry standards.

Always talk to the best voice assistants available.

We develop technologies for voice AI interoperability based on Noam Chomsky's theory of hard-wired and universal language in human intelligence. The project launched in 2018 by initiating an ISO-compatible standard for NLP API harmonization. We are currently raising funds on Republic. Learn more about the idea, our forthcoming voice browser, industry solutions, and how to get involved.

Let's make AI talk to each other!

We reduce bias in natural language processing (NLP) AI R&D and use case implementation. Our API makes voice AI interoperable by providing a simplified grammar and vocabulary to store the 200 most common intents in human language. Voice commands become this way tradable. If an AI can't respond to a user, it can lookup other voice assistants using our protocol.

Every 1st contact will be a bot.

Within 5 years voice AI e-commerce and customer service delivery will become the most important customer touchpoint. Get your business ready for voice AI using our solutions for AI e-commerce interoperability.


AI you can trust blindly! Our technologies protect biometric information in voice AI.


The source code is freely available and developed together with the academic community.


Our focus is language, not business models. The goal is to create the simplest grammar imaginable.


We use language hard-wired in communication as convention for the namespace protocol.

Get your business ready for voice AI.

Learn how to transform your business with voice AI technologies. We enable companies and organizations to seamlessly integrate new use cases and business models by a catalog of connected voice assistant services.

Presentation at Open Voice Network

Overview on the role of industry standards for voice AI interoperability

Meet The Drapers

Watch us pitching to Silicon Valley legend Tim Draper and Siri inventor Adam Cheyer

Keynote @ Borderless Communication

Learn about the quirks and features of voice AI's future


"who else?" is maybe a new proof of Noam Chomsky's universal grammar

Our Talk at O'Reilly AI Europe

Let's discuss the true challenges of voice AI interoperability

"Open and officially accredited standards are the foundation of interoperability. Having created such a framework makes the whoelse.ai approach to a common language for all AIs very compelling."

Andreas Reisenauer, Deep Tech Investor

"More than 25+ years ago Tim-Berners Lee invented with URLs the address system of theInternet. whoelse.ai now invents the address system for Voice Internet. This is a pretty cool thing!"

Katrin Ohlmer, Internet TLD Investor

„Babel is nothing compared to today´s global situation regarding voice ecosystems. Therefore I believe in the standardized, unified-language approach of whoelse.ai.“
Chris Armbruster, Founder AI Guild
"The vision of whoelse.ai to create a better name for the Internet of Voice is truely fascinating. I happy to support this outstanding team."
Prof. Andrea Rumler, HWR Berlin

Towards a network of connected voice AI technologies.

The phone system, if-then-else as programming principle, and Internet URLs - technological innovations always required new protocols too. We pioneer an interoperability paradigm based on a new proof of universal grammar. If successful this could be a foundational paradigm for computing between AIs.

Let's talk!

We are starting to onboard partners for our Voice Internet testbed. Join us as a provider of AI services, researcher, or industry user.

Voice AI procurement and interoperability advisory
Access latest voice AI research
Implement new voice AI business models